Thursday, November 19, 2015

Instagram Famous Trainers

Hate is a strong word, and I rarely use it. But what bugs me the most are the so called "personal trainers" on Instagram or any social media outlet(and I can name a few). They usually have 1 million plus followers and have a cult like following with everything they do; release a product and name it "bikini workout" and over night you're a multi millionaire.

Most of the time these "trainers" don't have a certification behind their belts, but have a body to show off and that's what people want to see. A body image that one day could be theirs.(But realistically that never will happen)

I just want to be clear, I am in no way jealous that they have more followers than me, or they are multi millionaires. Sure a few extra bucks in the bank would be nice, but not if I had to sell out and sell my soul for it.

Recently one of these Insta stars came out and told the truth about her "healthy" and "inspirational" life. She quickly had success by posting pictures on her Instagram account like this...

She realized she wasn't in fact promoting inspiration to women across the world, but instead creating a unrealistic image for women to achieve. The image of having a flat toned stomach, a thigh gap and so called "self love."

In her emotional discussion about self image in this article click here she admits being born with good genetics combined with calorie restriction, missing meals and excessive amounts of workouts paved the way for her success. Her idea of loving herself quickly turned into an ugly realization that what she was doing wasn't helping anyone.

Essena has now deleted her Instagram account, snapchat, and all of her social media accounts and started fresh with a new website helping women over come body image issues.

Now where am I going with all of this? 

I want to let everyone know the fake world of Instagram trainers and fit people creates a pile of crap and expectations that having a perfect body solves your problems. Following someone on the internet because they have six pack abs and you want to be like them is fine, but the moment you begin to hate yourself without knowing it creates a problem. 

Remember all of these people you see online have the gift of genetics. They are the 1% with great bodies of Greek Gods and Goddess. Its equivalent to you playing recreational soccer on the weekends and putting yourself down because you're not good as David Beckham..... When you put it that way, its crazy, but for some reason many people can't get that through their minds.

Remember, be yourself, love yourself, and don't get trapped into that fake reality. 

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