Is one of the most common phrases thought of and spoken of, on an every day basis when trying to get fit. There is a huge pyschological barrier in every day life when we look at ourselves and constantly twist and rupture our very own spirit and well being.
Probably from images like these we see every day....
and don't forget the guys too....
There is no amount of workouts, meals of chicken breast and broccoli you could have in a week, that would make you feel good about yourself while looking at the images above. We begin to teach ourselves that we are not good enough to the standard....Apparently the standard is celebrities.... The ones who get paid to look good on camera.... Seems silly to me..
It would be equivalent to comparing yourself trying to cook on Chopped the TV show beside 3 executive chefs and lose the first round because you stood there over 3 ingredients of kumquats, cactus pears and duck breast, not knowing what to do with it. Seems like a high standard huh? Apparently our minds don't see that when comparing our body in the mirror.
These celebrities only job is to look great on camera. From exercising 4 hours a day and eating 5000+ calories to become the next super hero or limiting your calories to 1200 per day while at the same time dehydrating two days prior to a photo shoot, these are some of the things they need to go through in order to look acceptable to the public.
Below are some before and after shots for photo shoots that have been photo shopped for covers.

Do you notice anything in this Beyonce photo?
Apparently things like skin folds while curving your body is not acceptable... I don't know about you, but when I sit down at a table I feel like my abs are non existent and feel like I ate a dozen doughnuts.....

So what could you do? I'd suggest the next time you look at yourself in the mirror, rather than saying
"my arms are too fat"
"my legs are too big"
Look at one part of your body and tell yourself it looks great, and why. Tell yourself everyday one thing of your body you love. Love yourself and don't worry about anything else.
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