I took the pledge to put on weight in shortest time possible, I chose 6 weeks.
I know, you all think I probably mowed down burgers from the drive through to reach my goal of gaining some lbs. But no, I ate clean and added 2 things to add on mass, and the best part is, I will share my experiment with you!
About 6 weeks ago I weighed in at 155lbs and 7.4% body fat, according to a bioimpedance scale. My daily diet consisted of:
5am: 2 Litres of water, 4 tablets of BCAAs, along with 1 cup of green tea
8am: 4 tablets of BCAAs
11am: Some sort of meat (chicken, beef, fish, etc) huge salad, along with some sort of fat (avocados, nuts, or spoonfuls of peanut butter)
3pm: 2 eggs, sauerkraut, kale chips, and fat ( avocados, nuts, or spoonfuls of peanut butter)
6pm: same as the 11am meal.
I don't eat until 11am as I follow a intermittent fasting protocol. (I might write about this in another blog)
Now the way I was eating here was perfect to maintain my 155lbs frame and my weight would fluctuate a couple pounds here or there only if one of my cheat meals over the weekend exceeded my daily calorie intake.
Beers and burgers usually does it....

Now, you might be asking, what was my trick to gain 12lbs in 6 weeks? 2 things:
1. Peanut butter jelly sandwiches
2. Chocolate milk.
1. Why PB and J? Reading a book called Mass Made Simple by Dan John, he recommended on workout days having a good old fashion PB and J sandwich after a heavy workout. He swore it was the best thing you could do to replenish/recover and put on some mass.
After my workouts for a snack I would add in one of these sandwiches. I used whole grain bread, natural peanut butter, and an organic strawberry jam, which had no artificial colours or sweeteners.
2. Chocolate milk? Reading an article from Precision Nutrition about one of their Olympic winter athletes sparked my interested. They described an off season regiment of bulking. The athlete would often gain 20-30lbs during the off season to focus on power and strength. The secret? Chocolate milk. Getting in 2 litres per day after workouts.
Reading further, the reasoning behind this madness was, drinking calories is a lot easier than eating them, and its easier on the digestive system.
So, what I did I do? Week one: 1 cup of chocolate milk in combination with my PB and J sandwich after workouts. Week two: 2 cups, week three: 3 cups, week 4... I think you got the idea. By week six its 6 cups of chocolate milk after workouts.
My diet started to look like this:
5am: 2 Litres of water, 4 tablets of BCAAs, along with 1 cup of green tea
8am: 4 tablets of BCAAs
11am: Some sort of meat (chicken, beef, fish, etc) huge salad, along with some sort of fat (avocados, nuts, or spoonfuls of peanut butter) with PB and J sandwich and chocolate milk (1-6 cups, depending on the week)
3pm: 2 eggs, sauerkraut, kale chips, and fat ( avocados, nuts, or spoonfuls of peanut butter)
6pm: same as the 11am meal, excluding the PB and J and chocolate milk.
Now I weigh in at 167lbs and depending how the scale wanted to spit out my body fat, it ranged from 8.4% to 9.6%..
I personally think this experiment went well. If you have any questions please let me know, as now I am a beast and can hardly make it through a door with my broad shoulders and swole biceps.

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