This phrase is as convincing as Donald Trump's presidential campaign. Sad part is, he will probably win....

Many people believe the way they eat right now is the most efficient way to loose a couple pounds. But being realistic, the past couple years that you've been eating this way hasn't changed. If you're not willing to change, you need to stop thinking it will. These same people fall under the category of thinking exercise can cancel out a bad diet. I never seen one person loose 10lbs when training 3x a week and eating like crap, or not eating enough throughout the day.
One simple thing to remember is if you want to change something in your life, you need to do something that you haven't done before. This is what gives you a different result.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. When was the last time I tracked how many calories I eat on an average day?
2 . When was the last time I ate a combination of protein, vegetables and good fat in every single meal for a week straight?
3. When was the last time I prepared meals for my entire week?
4. When was my last alcoholic beverage?
5. When was the last time I ate out?
If it took you a while to think of an answer for the first 3 questions and fired back quick answers for the last two, you are in deep trouble!
So what do I suggest you do? Look at your daily routine. Be realistic, what small changes could you do right now that will help you reach your goal?
Is getting in vegetables difficult? Try using a greens powder supplement.
Is missing snacks during the day a constant battle? Keep easy to pack snacks with you at all times. Boiled eggs, cut up vegetables and hummus, protein bars, etc.
Every excuse you have there's a solution. You just need to want it bad enough.
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