Thursday, August 6, 2015

Transformation Challenge Update (It's almost sold out!)

Hello Everyone!

Since last Thursday when I posted about the 8 Week Transformation Challenge, I was pleased to see how much traction I received in regards to signing up and interest.

Since then, almost all spots have been filled up! The silver and gold packages are completely gone and the only ones left is the bronze package.

Again, I've posted on Facebook yesterday that there are limited spots to the Bronze package, so I'd suggest if you are having second thoughts I'd jump right into this before its too late!

I believe many people jumped on the other packages because of the one on one time with me to go over any nutritional needs. 

But, the Bronze Package still allows you to participate and stay accountable and achieve success. 

You'll have access to the program that has four workouts. Two strength and two metabolic conditioning days. These workouts will be uploaded to your Trainerize account (if you are not a current client we will go over this) and you can track your progress throughout the 8 week journey.

You will have access to the weekly emails with the "10 Healthy Habits" that you will follow precisely to achieve your fat loss/muscle building goals. This also allows you to access me for information via email if you have any questions, concerns or thoughts.

You will have access to the gym to do the workouts on your own if you are a current client. You can just email me which days and times work best for you. 

If you ask me this is a sweet deal and you will learn a lot of useful tips and habits to carry over when the challenge is over.

And remember after August 17th the price of the Bronze Package goes up, so sign up quickly!

Email me for more info!

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