Many clients have used this line,
"I'm too busy"
This phrase alone prevents clients reach their potential.
I find it difficult to help them when one foot is in the gym door and the other is out. If you are committed to your health, you should make an effort.
I completely understand everyone has their issues, baggage, work stress, children, so I can not judge.
But, if you are being prescribed medications for blood pressure and cholesterol and a handful of other things, that can be easily avoided by just moving. I'd choose to move than suffer.
Many people tend to forget that if their health lacks, how will you enjoy life? How will you keep up with your children? How will you enjoy your vacation if your body aches?
Sometimes I get frustrated with clients who complain they can't eat healthy...
I think to myself that if I really had to, I'd force feed clients vegetables every day like their Mother's, but it would probably end up like this.....
It's called your limiting factors. Every day things come up, work, children, life in general.
First. Create a list of things that are limiting you from achieving success.
For example.
"I can't eat a snack at work because I have meetings all day and end up starving all day."
"I have to eat out for every lunch for work"
"All my friends like to eat out every weekend"
"I forget my lunch at home"
"I bring my lunch to work, but I don't eat it"
"I eat what my kids eat"
Now what would have to change in order for you to succeed? In a perfect world what would have to happen to achieve this?
With that in mind, you'll begin to think a bit differently at the situation.
Things like,
"I'll bring a pre-blended protein shake to work and chug it between meetings"
"I'll stop watching another episode of House Of Cards before bed"
"I'll ask my spouse to help me cook for the week"
"I'll have a stash of protein bars with me at all times"
"I'll tell my buddies I won't be smashing down 8 beers on a Wednesday night"
There's always a solution, its the amount of importance and priority you put on top of health and fitness.
Just remember things mentioned above don't happen over night, they take time.
And if you are ever struggling just remember.....At least you're not married into the Kardashian family.....
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