Hello Everyone!
If you can remember a couple months back I wrote this blog post "One Exercise You Should Be Doing, But You're Not" It seemed many people were interested how to get great looking glutes like these.
And yes I googled "fit asses" for the pictures above haha.
Anyway, it had great feedback, likes, shares, etc. Because of it's success I will mooch off it completely like the endless Fast and Furious movies. RIP Paul Walker....
To refresh your memory I started the article about the barbell hip thrust and all its glory. Along with it, I threw in some other variations you can do.
Now you're probably so eager to get fuller looking buns you want more exercise variations.
Below are three variations I throw into the mix with my clients.
1. Band Resisted Hip Thrust.
Sometimes its difficult to steal a barbell to yourself, so adding a band for resistance is one answer.
To do this exercise correctly, take two heavy dumbbells ( I used 70s) and wrap a band between the two dumbbells, and place the band right on top of your hip bones, just like a regular barbell hip thrust, and proceed with the thrust!
I like this variation as you can get different levels of resistance depending on what colour band you have. Even if you are limited to one band you can always move the dumbbells further away from each other, and create more tension.
2. Single Leg Band Resisted Hip Thrusts.
Similar to the one above, but with one leg. Again its a more advanced exercise so if you're not feeling your glutes on fire and feel your low back, you're most likely not ready for this one.
3. Single Leg Deficit Hip Thrust.
This one adds a deficit component to the exercise which 1. makes it more difficult, 2. higher demand of mobility in the hips 3. destroys your glutes....
There you have it, go on my fellow readers and begin thrusting into your new buns!
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