No....not at all...
I personally feel many training coaches out there know of the recipe for fat loss, but have never experienced it first hand themselves.
Which brings me to my personal weight loss story below *cue in fuzzy flashback*
Only some know this, but growing up I struggled with my weight as a child and going into high school. When I entered grade eight, I stood at 5'9 (yes, this is how tall I am right now...) at 200lbs!!
I was a little beef cake!
Unfortunately, I do not have any photos of me back then (why would I keep chubby pics?) to post here, as it was a dark and tough time for me. But the picture below is how I basically felt every day in high school....

All jokes aside, I will be sharing a part of my past I haven't shared to anyone other than to my beautiful girl friend Angel. #suckup
Grade eight and nine were tough years for me. Watching all my friends date beautiful girls, and choosing them as they pleased. Each day I stood on the sidelines waiting, invisible to any female interaction.
Being the way I am, a passionate romantic, this killed me inside. Girls never took interest in me, I did not exist. I remember thinking to myself why I couldn't just score one girl, while everyone else could pick whom ever?
I told myself, the day I find a girl who understood where I came from, I'd spoil her every way that I can. Which makes sense now, if you follow me on Facebook with my valentine/anniversary/special dates, shenanigans with Angel this will explain why I do it for her.
Along with my interest in girls, I became quite self conscious, as I compared myself to other guys I played sports with. Obviously I wasn't the strongest, fastest, or fittest, I just kept putting myself down every day until one summer I had enough and needed a change.
The summer after grade nine I decided to take control of my life and start my weight loss journey.
I remember researching, and probably reading every single page on Men's Health website to figure out what I had to do.
I started eating five meals a day with tons of vegetables, protein and healthy fats. I drank 3-5 litres of water per day, and made sure to had plenty of sleep each night. ( Sounds like the advice I give to clients on a daily basis *hint, hint*)
Lucky for me, the same summer I had an opportunity to attend a football summer camp. At this time there was either a workout, football drills, or conditioning each morning during the week.
This was the easy part, I just had to show up, and do the reps.
The combination of exercise, healthy eating and watching countless hours of the OC, using Ryan #throwback as my body inspiration was the perfect recipe for the miracle I desperately needed to finally accept myself.
By the end of that summer going into grade ten, I dropped from 200lbs to 140lbs!
I still remember people amazed, that I was able to accomplish something like this. They took notice, and what I mean, is the ladies took notice.
Not only did I finally go on dates, but my athletic career boosted as well. I was faster and stronger for sports and I was able to compete with my friends who were fit to begin with.
Now, loosing 60lbs in 2 months is extreme in some cases, but I was determined to loose weight fast and effectively. I barely had any cheat meals as I believed at the time it would destroy everything I achieved through the week.
I religiously followed my diet and workout routine and never missed one day.
I wanted to share this story with everyone to express my understanding to clients and readers, the struggle to make a life style change.
I hope I've inspired some of you to start implementing some life style changes to reach your fitness/fat loss goals!
Now go out there and be awesome!
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