I wanted to give you all a heads up that this up coming Monday, January 4th at 12pm my professional website will officially launch!
You might have seen my Instagram posts lately promoting my new venture like these:
I am excited to finally launch, I've been working on this thing for the past three months. I can't count the amount of hours I spent formatting, adding photos, changing text, adding pages, and then deleting everything and starting from scratch. But, I believe now it's ready.
Now what does this website have and how will it benefit you?
1. A referral source for clients and the ability to create an online community.
I found that over this past year, training on my own, and starting my own business, it was tough to get my name out there without having a website. Having a functional website will allow the ability to get noticed and ultimately connect, and most importantly educate others in fitness. I want to be able to help more people than just my circle of in person clients. I feel it's my sole purpose to spread the knowledge of obtaining sustainable health for the every day person.
My goal is to reach as many people as possible. For 2016, I want to connect with 10,000 people in some shape or form. From views on my blog and website, Instagram likes, Facebook likes, Youtube views, emails, or just a simple text message saying "Hey, I saw your website, keep doing what you're doing." This is what I hope to achieve and spread the gift of knowledge.
2. One stop shop for fitness and nutrition guidelines.
You've probably seen most of my posts mocking so called "fitness professionals" selling you snake oil online, and some how are multi millionaires.
I will do just the opposite, just like my blog, I will have FREE and accessible content on my website for you to read, enjoy, and share. I will never sell out and begin to promote waist trainers, shake weights or any other ridiculous looking fitness apparatus.
3. Quality programs and meal plans for purchase.
I will have a fully functional E Store set up on my website, for programs and meal plans. Since I've been fascinated by the online fitness business, what better way to wet my feet than building my own E store.
This section of my website will have programs for men and women, specialized towards fat loss, performance, and aesthetic goals. Each program is a PDF version that has descriptions of each exercise along with a link to my Youtube page with a specific exercise playlist that correlates to your program.
Now I don't want to spoil any more, so you will just need to wait and see! The count down begins!